ACS Applied Energy Materials 现在是二区还是三区啊?
最近投了一篇文章,一开始投的ACS NaNo,被拒了。让转投ACS Applied Energy Materials。就转了过去,审稿很快就回来了。审稿人一共2个,给的评价比较正面。两个审稿人都评价是论文在TOP20%里面,我感觉挺意外的。这个期刊是不是很水啊?我感觉我的文章很一般,居然评价这么高。这个期刊现在是二区还是三区啊?对评职称有用吗?
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Reviewer: 1
I strongly recommend acceptance of the article for publication in ACS Applied Energy Materials after minor corrections.
Recommendation: Publish after minor revisions noted.
see attached fileAdditional Questions:
Is this paper in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field?: Yes
If this paper is not in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field:
Is it appealing to the topical audience for this journal?: Yes
Does the manuscript give a complete description of the procedures that could be reproduced by others in the field?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and up to date?: No
Provides significant insight into or the development of an important application: Good
Work is original and significant: Good
Conclusions adequately supported by data: Good
Clarity of presentation: Good
Potential for impact in energy materials science and engineering: Good
Additional Questions:
Is this paper in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field?: Yes
If this paper is not in the top 20% of manuscripts in the field:
Is it appealing to the topical audience for this journal?: Yes
Does the manuscript give a complete description of the procedures that could be reproduced by others in the field?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and up to date?: Yes
Provides significant insight into or the development of an important application: Good
Work is original and significant: Good
Conclusions adequately supported by data: Good
Clarity of presentation: Good
Potential for impact in energy materials science and engineering: Good