PNAS最终还是悲剧了(附审稿意见),改投ISME Journal
前面发帖纪念首次投稿PNAS,最终还是失败了。我们在浮游植物(主要蓝藻,蓝细菌)中发现一种新的铁吸收机制,涉及到一个功能复合体,并且发现这个复合体参与无机自由铁的高效吸收。我们工作做的还是很细致的,包括基因敲除和互补、3个单突变,加上3个组合双突变,蛋白定位和相互作用、同位素分析等等,做了5年。获得了美国科学院院士的首肯,通过了一审,3个审稿人中有两个还是很认可我们的观点,只是提了些需要完善和改进的建议,但是有一个审稿人认为我们的观点跟以往在其它物种中的结论不一致。最终主编还是选择了据稿。现在我们根据PNAS的审稿意见修改后,投到国际微生物生态学杂志The ISME Jounal。现在已在审稿,希望好运!
The authors present an impressive amount of work on the ***** complexes in ********. They clearly demonstrate a role for these genes in iron metabolism particularly transport. Some of this follows on previous research in ****** that they poorly cite however. As is clear from the unanimous reviews, the results presented in this manuscript do not provide a strong enough basis for the authors' conclusions. In addition the reviewers are doubtful that the paper is of sufficient general interest to merit publication in PNAS.
After careful consideration, the editor decided that we cannot accept your manuscript. Of course, this terminates your PNAS License to Publish and you are free to publish elsewhere. I am sorry we cannot be more encouraging at this time, and I hope you will consider submitting future work to PNAS.Sincerely yours,
Inder M. Verma