投稿 被审稿人通过又被编辑拒收,投诉有用吗?
投的一篇稿件经过大修,小修然后终于被审稿人通过(一审后一个审稿人已经说没意见了,二审后另一个审稿人也写了 acceptable),前前后后忙活大半年,眼看要毕业的节骨眼,结果被编辑拒了……既然编辑不想接收为什么一开始不拒绝?还让人白折腾,有人遇到过这种情况吗?我看杂志有申诉途径,申诉管用吗?
"In general the paper is well written and the data are presented appropriately. However, the authors should take into consideration the following remarks...."
"Still there are some observations and inconsistencies that should be amended, these are listed in order of appearance on the text:..."
大修以后第二个审稿人的第二次意见,提到了 acceptable,然后给了一些修改语法的小建议,至此女友认为小修以后就能通过:
"Authors have greatly improved their manuscript and amended all of the reviewer’s comments in an acceptable form."
"This decision was based on the comments of external experts who carefully peer-reviewed your paper."
It is really a bad news for us to receive a rejection letter of the manuscript (No.XXXXX), especially after we revised it according to all the reviewers’ comments. It is accepted by all the reviewers that the XXX(研究内容) would be beneficial for a wide range of researchers and readers, as there has been no report on the xxx(研究内容) conditions. More importantly, we found all the reviewers satisfactory with our revised manuscript as shown in the review report, which made us confused about the rejection. Therefore, we hope you could reconsider the decision on the manuscript, and give us a chance.
We made this decision based on the opinion of our editors.