Journal of Power Sources返修后COI/Declaration of Interest forms
小弟最近有一篇Journal of Power Sources大修,提交了修改稿后被编辑退回来了,提示COI/Declaration of Interest forms from all the authors of an article is required for every submission。我按照该杂志的作者指南中Declaration of competing interest一节中的this tool链接点击了I have nothing to declare,然后生成了一个word文件。
我把该文件作为Declaration of Interests重新上传,结果刚才又被退回了,还是提示COI/Declaration of Interest forms from all the authors of an article is required for every submission。请各位大神指教,我按照作者指南操作生成的文件不对吗,Declaration of Interest forms from all the authors到底是个什么样的文件,有相关的模板吗?
附件是我上传的Declaration of Interests。