求助,文章是3.10号收到了大修的意见,一共有5个审稿人,然后4.20返修,4.21变成under review,5.6变成required reviews completed,5.7是major revision。
现在有个问题就是二次返修的意见就这么一条说我超字数了,这个也算大修吗?有没有可能是这中间的半个月编辑压根就送审,让我把字数减少了再送审,但是4.21变成under review,5.6变成required reviews这没送审状态也会这样变化吗
1. The manuscript has seven crowded figures and one large table, each counting at least 600 words. Please note that small tables and figures each count as 300 words, and large tables or figures with multiple panels may count for 600 or more words. Full research papers should not exceed 8000 words, and critical review articles should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, figures, and tables but excluding references). Your manuscript has more than 12,000 words (the main text alone has more than 7000 words) and must be shortened before peer review can be initiated. Extra materials can go to the supplemental section. When you added text to the manuscript in response to review comments, you must find ways to reduce text in other places.