邮件标题:Declined for Publication - Encourage Resubmission after Revisions
I am writing to you concerning the manuscript you recently submitted to Minerals. Based on the review reports, the manuscript is not suitable for publication in Minerals in its present format. Significant revisions or new
data are required in the manuscript to warrant further consideration for publication of this manuscript in Minerals.Based on reviewer input and editorial evaluation, we encourage resubmission of your manuscript after extensive revisions. During resubmission, you must clearly indicate the manuscript ID (minerals-1441697) of this paper. All
changes must be highlighted and a cover letter with responses to reviewers’comments included. Note that the Editorial Office may send the paper to the same reviewers or invite new reviewers.
I think this paper can be accepted after revision.
In my opinion the authors should shorten significantly their manuscript and resubmit it for publication.